Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dealing with learning curve

A very common situation for starters of internet marketers is that they feel overwhelmed when they see such a vast amount of new skills to learn. It is almost like going back to university to study several subjects. You are being taught new skills. You are provided with all kind of support to clarify your questions and queries as well. However, it requires self discipline to continue the learning.
Dealing with learning curve is not easy when you have to deal with other house hold work and responsibility of family members. Whether you are in better or worse condition, following five advices are useful to keep yourself razor sharp when you are experiencing learning curve.

  1. Divide and Rule: Divide your overall complicated tasks into small simplified tasks. For example, when you decide to write a blog, divide it in several tasks like to do research on similar articles to get ideas, making a draft, doing grammar and spell check, include some keywords and link them to related articles, etc. This way you can assign a specific time to a each task and can schedule for other bigger complicated tasks.
  2. Keep a 'To Do' list: After finishing a particular task, our mind sometimes go blank and keep thinking about what do we need to do next. In such scenarios, keeping a to do list will help us to remain on the track.
  3. Schedule your task: When you are about to start, decide three to five tasks to accomplish and prioritize each of them. Move to next set of tasks only when you are done with this one.
  4. Set goals: This is very important. Set your short term (of about one month) and long term goals and visualize yourself exactly after achievement of these goals.
  5. Say No: Develop a habit to say no to day to day distractions like unnecessary hang outs, dinners and even household works. This way you will devote enormous amount of time to learning.
  6. Communication: Stay connected with your coach and other members of team to know what is going on. Discuss your queries and help others with theirs if you think you can.  
I do realize that talking is easy and walking is not. However, even if you can implement at least any 3 or 4 advices, you will be better of.

P.S. You can post your comments and questions below and can visit my website Enter your name and email and you'll know more about it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I am good at making maggie noodles!

I was making maggi noodles this morning for me and my friend. He tasted it and told me that noodles are awesome. He told me I am very good at making maggi noodles! Actually, it wasn't a big deal as I just had to follow instruction on the packing about how to mix all the given ingredients in the pack. This reminded me of the online business that I am doing. How?
In this business as well, you just have to follow instructions given by the system in order to make tasty noodles (I mean, in order to be successful!). All the ingredients (tools) required for the recipe (making a sale) are available in the system. Tools like article marketing, blogging, pay per click, social media, personal branding, video marketing and so much others are available to learn in the back office. You don't need to have any skill to use them. They are so easy to learn.
So if YOU want to join a business which is as easy as making noodles, just visit my website and enter your name and email and I will tell you more about it.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sense of Observation as a Marketer

Fitness First worldwide is a chain of gymnasium and health club as we all know. I have noticed something about the way some companies are carrying out marketing at these clubs very strategically.
When I go to the club, there is a salad and juice bar just near the entrance. Also, there is a Sydney Morning Herald newspapers stack for all the members near the entrance and it is for free (or in more sophisticated words "complimentary"!). At the same place you can find Fitness First monthly magazine (complimentary of course!). This is just a starting of marketing. When you show your identity card at reception and enter the club, there are refrigerators containing health drinks like Powerade, mineral water and some other nutritional drinks.
On some lucky days, you will find some representative of a nutritional food or a cosmetic company handing out "free samples" to the members! However, the best part of marketing done at FF which I like the most is the advertisement on the FF channel. There are several LCDs placed for members' entertainment at various locations. Most of the TVs are showing FF's exclusive channel and on that channel, several companies show their ads and new upcoming movies trailers.
Have you observed this whole scenario as a marketer? All these companies who are selling or advertising or giving away their products know that the members of these clubs are earning very well and they have more purchase power than other people. So they are the major prospective customers for their brands. Fitness First fees for a member is about $90 per month. Just imagine, only a person who is earning something like $40,000 to $50,000 a year can only afford this fee as an average person has some other expenses as well. The advertisers know that this is very 'soft' target for them and that's why they focus marketing of their brands at such a strategic locations in such a strategic manner.
Being a marketer (whether online or offline), I think one should develop this sense of observation. One can find such kind of marketing at airports, hotels, cinemas and other places normally occupied by rich people.

P.S. If you are a businessman and not getting enough customers' attention by the traditional ways of marketing, please visit my website, enter your name and email and I will tell you more about how you can gain advantage of latest marketing strategies to get your prospective customers' attention.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Information Overload

I went to a supermarket last week to buy some groceries and some other stuff. I wanted to buy a shampoo as well. Now you already know that there are so many varieties of everything at supermarket. The competition is very fierce. When I went to the aisle of shampoo, I saw so many varieties that for a few seconds I almost forgot which one I was looking for!
The same situation is there on the internet as well. There is so much junk out there for whatever you are looking for. You will get billions of search results for online business, home based business, facebook, twitter and so on. There is so much information, so much websites, articles, blogs, videos and other stuffs on the internet today that sometimes you almost forget what you are looking for and waste your time reading some other related stuff.
I was looking for some tips on how to utilize social media for marketing and I came across so much stuff about that as well. So what is the solution for this? Well, what we need to do is that we need to specify our query very clearly. We need to be clear about what we want. Our query should not be generalised.
For example, instead of searching for 'home based business' or 'online business', you should search something like, 'high profit online business', 'low investment home based business', or something like that. You need to be specific. You need to be clear about what you are looking for.
If I remembered that I need Head & Shoulders or Pentene 250 ml shampoo, I had never lost myself!

P.S. If you are tired of searching for a REAL business opportunity working at home and are looking for a REAL opportunity to work seriously with serious people, send me an email or enter your name and email on my website. And do remember that this is not a get rich quick scheme.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Internet marketing business

Now this is a very broad topic for discussion and you can search about it on Google. I was also thinking to refer some other sites to write this post but I just thought that this time I want to mention whatever I know. I want to be myself. I may miss out some points here which you may find on other "professional" articles but here is my own views on certain aspects. I guess they are simple and straight forward and contains "Just Do It" philosophy.

"Why should I start a business?"
Very simple question. Most people are happy with the job they are doing as they want to have a secured future and a secured source of income. They are happy with whatever they are getting as a salary and/or incentives. So they should not even think about starting a business.
However, some of them are not happy with their current situation. There may be so many reasons for this. Some of them think they are not getting enough pay they deserve, some of them think they want to do something different, they don't want to live their lives as it comes, they want to live their lives they dream of. They don't want to follow typical 9 am to 5 pm schedule and rely on public holidays, they want to follow their own schedule for work and play. They do realize that they have that "instinct" in them to do whatever it takes for their desired result. Some may think they are at a wrong place while working, some of them feel that his/her life is not going anywhere. They don't want to limit their spending and so their income, some of them are not content, some of them are ambitious. They want to lead the crowd rather than following it. They just want to do it to fulfil their desire.
Some of them want to start a business and so they do some research and get started while the rest just get scared being negative about it and keep suffering. If you don't want to suffer, you should start a business.

"Why should I start an internet marketing business?"
I had to search on internet for this question as I am going cite some statistics here. As on December 31, 2009, 26.6% of world population was using internet, that is around 1,802,330,457 people! (Source: 
As compared to traditional businesses like franchise, construction, trading or service provision, this emerging field has quite less competition and more opportunities. Moreover, the investment required is quite less, you can see results in very short time and most importantly you will have flexibility of working in regards of time and place. You don't have to invest in leasing a shop or office. Also, many internet marketing businesses provide money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your performance or you think you are not making enough profit. One more cool feature of most of the internet marketing businesses is that you have a coach who guides you because he has his own commission (apart from yours) on each sell you do. So basically, it's a win-win situation.

At the end of the day, the bottom line is, there is an "information overload" on the internet about any topic (not just internet business itself). You can literally spend so many days (if you are not satisfied by hours you've spent!) on searching for information. But if you really want to achieve results, here is a golden advice:

Choose your business model and coach very carefully and stick to his guidance. 

"What kind of businesses are available on the internet?"
You can buy almost everything using internet for which you are going to shops or offices. For example, vegetables, cosmetics, pharmacy, clothes, etc.. Some organisations provide online services like career consulting, legal advise, auditing, etc.. So you can find all of these kind of businesses. My advise while choosing a business is to select the one which gives you high commission per sale. There are several organisations selling cosmetics, nutritious food, travel tickets and so on which gives you very small commission on your sale. In some of them, you have to insist your relatives and friends to buy these products (which I hate the most) so that you can make a sell. 
However, the one that I have joined is totally different. You don't have to contact your friends in it. This system pays you high commission per sale as the products and services are quite valuable. This is no MLM. The great thing is that there is lot of support and services available to you as a member. The owners have done a great amount of homework for you. All you have to do is to attract the prospective customers by using the techniques that you learn by the system and your coach. Such kind of services are not for free and you have to pay $150 per month for using it. Just imagine, if it was cheaper, everyone would be using it. But this is the only system with which you can earn four to five figure income per month. To know more about this opportunity, click here.  

Friday, May 14, 2010

Scarcity Mindset

Which of the following statement is true for you?

1. You say to yourself, “I don’t have enough of this”, “There isn’t enough of this”
2. Your point of view and outlook on life are governed by the fear of not having enough money
3. Your buying practices are determined by lack (i.e. “It costs too much”, “I can’t afford it”)
4. Your number one source of stress is money.  Your thoughts and emotions reflect this idea: ”I don’t have enough money”
5. You stay in a career that you hate because you’re afraid that you can’t get a better job.
6. You do work that you don’t enjoy but you do it just to get by.
7. You are afraid of losing what you have.
8. You abandoned your dreams and are afraid of taking any chances with your money.
9. You resent rich people who have fancy cars, clothes, and homes. Or you have a difficult time being genuinely happy about other people’s success.
10. Money is often the sources of resentment, unhappiness, struggle, hostility, and fighting.
Reality check: If even one of these is true for you,
You Have A Scarcity Mindset!
In other words, all of the above indicate poverty consciousness.  If this is a shock to you, take a good look at yourself and notice how you learned to think about wealth and money from a poverty consciousness point of view. Chances are, you learned a large majority of these ideas from your parents as you were growing up.
The fact is, you have been conditioned to believe all sorts of ideas and points of views that literally limit your wealth. From the time we are born all the way to age 12, we were all literally hypnotized to believe whatever we were told, so we never really learned to question our reality until around age 13. Are you willing to question your own thoughts and emotions about wealth? Now, it may seem strange for some to think that wealth is based on the thoughts and emotions that you have, but let’s be real clear:
Thoughts lead to emotions which lead to behaviours (taking action!)
Merely changing one’s behaviors may not be easy if one’s thoughts and emotions are set towards the opposite behaviour. This explains why many people procrastinate. Taking action for procrastinators literally feels difficult. That’s not to say that one shouldn't take action, rather by changing your poverty consciousness into prosperity consciousness, wealth building actions become significantly easier and seemingly effortless. In fact, it often becomes enjoyable!
Thus, if you are looking to generate wealth, then change your mindset! Get out of poverty consciousness, because it is literally dictating your life. If you are determined to live a life of freedom, joy, and abundance, and if you look forward to leaving a wonderful legacy for your children, then do whatever it takes to shift your thoughts and feelings about money.

Here's a simple yet powerful tool to shift your scarcity mindset. 
If you ever say to yourself, “I can’t afford this”, ask yourself this question repeatedly (like a mantra), “What would it take for this to have it in my life?” regardless of the emotions you may feel. You’ll be surprised about the endless possibilities that are actually available to you.
If you ever say, “It’s so hard to make money” counter it by asking, “What would it take for making money to be fun, phenomenal and rewarding?” (again, do it repeatedly like a mantra).
Do this WITHOUT trying to answer it. Just keep asking until you get to a point where you feel much more comfortable about that particular issue. By that point, an answer (or perhaps several) will have come to you seemingly automatically.
This simple tool will shift your focus out of scarcity and into prosperity because the empowering question is like manually retuning a piano. Now that I gave you a powerful tool…
You Have An Opportunity To Take Back Your Life!
I encourage you to question your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings because the truth is you have the choice to live your life instead of living someone else’s life. So what do you choose?

If you are frustrated with your current professional situation and looking for a change, enter your name and email here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

What is Carbon Copy Pro?

This would be the question everyone would wondering about. What exactly is Carbon Copy Pro? Until I became member of it, I didn't know the answer to it and you also have to be member to have an exact idea of how powerful it is. However, I am going to tell you as much as I can in this post about CCPro.
In one sentence, CCPro is an internet marketing and education platform.
It provides the members with information about traditional and latest internet marketing strategies like blogging, video marketing, social networking, freemiums, article marketing and so on. There are plenty of multimedia resources available on the members accessible only site (which is called "back office") to have better idea of all these techniques.
Members get commission if they convince other people to join this community and create their own team of marketing people. There are several incentives for various level of achievement. CCPro provides members with several preloaded websites and autoresponders so that members can do marketing about the community and interested people can join it. And thus the process continues on and on.
To address the questions of members, the community provides

  • a forum - where all the members can communicate with one another and get advise from experts.
  • live chat - with experts to help with any queries.
  • outsourcing - of several marketing tools.
Reader can have access to more information about CCPro by submitting his/her name and email address here.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Discipline, Perseverance and Confidence

It's been a month since my last blog here and I honestly want to admit that I am not satisfied with myself. I need to be more disciplined in my professional life. Daily actions are required. Perseverance has to be maintained. Confidence is essential. You have to be confident when you are doing something. For example, while writing this blog, I need to keep in my mind that no one will notice me simply by a single blog. It will be a series of blogs which will create an impression and which will develop a mindset for a reader. It works the same way as other advertisements. You don't buy anything when you see it for the first time in an advertisement. You see it on TV, internet, posters, newspapers, magazines, listen on radio and so on. And you don't even do it just once, you are being 'exposed' so many times so that after a certain stage, a person will become a customer and come to you. Same thing is happening here as well. You need to create your image over a certain period of time. During this time, you should not expect any sort of income flow. Rather you should believe in what you are doing and have some justified patience.  

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Getting in there!

Gradually, I am getting myself into this online marketing business. I am very amazed to see how internet have changed lives of people. This is my second month in online business and what I am doing is just searching on internet that how it really works. I know that I have a long way to go but I am just familiarizing myself to this industry. Sometimes I think that what will happen if I will fail at this thing? Well, I have a Plan B for myself. I am going to spend three month on this and will see if I am the right person at the right place or not. If not, I will follow Plan B which is just to live a life as a normal employee.

Right now, I want to write something about how I get into this business.

I was working as a structural engineer at a small scale firm in Perth, Western Australia. I was loaded with work and had to do lot of overtime. Besides that, I used to do lot of reading at home about my professional field. I was putting in my 100% in this job but don't know why, my boss was not happy with my work. I wanted to quit my job, but I couldn't because I wanted to stay in Australia and my employer had sponsored my visa. So if I quit the job, I had to leave the country. I wanted to apply for permanent residency (PR) for which I had to show one year experience in my professional field. So I was just waiting for that one year to finish and here I am! I just got PR last month and quit my job. 

Before that, in April last year (2008), I came across an internet business opportunity. The webpage looked something like this. I just entered my name and email address in the given box because it wasn't going to cost me anything. I knew that I will not have to enter my credit card details. After entering these details, I was receiving emails everyday about that business like what is it about, how much you can earn, how it works and so on. However, I was asked to pay $49 just to make an application! Now I didn't want to spend this much money as I was just reading these stuff for a time pass. But still, I was thinking that rather than just visiting beautiful girls' profiles on FB or Orkut, I can do something useful to generate some income. I didn't just want to see dreams, I wanted my dream to be a reality. But I didn't know how to do it and I was curious about it. It was same as when we go to shopping mall, we see glamorous clothes, jewellery, HD TV and some other expensive stuff which we dream to possess but due to lack of money, we don't buy them. Somehow, I don't know why (may be I was so eager to know what it is), I just said to myself, "Oh come on man, it's just $49. You can spend this much money, can't you?" So I made an application with which I was getting a DVD about the business owner's struggle in this industry. But after making application, I was shown more detailed pages, links and videos about the business and I was asked around $300 to join this business. This was the moment when I stopped. I said to myself, "dude, there is something wrong. don't go for it. You don't even have time for it." And I didn't join it at that moment. Although these people were offering 1 year money back guarantee, I wasn't ready to go for it! (I was not married at that moment and I am still single while writing this.)   

It was my constant dissatisfaction from my job that made me thinking about this opportunity. I was thinking that there must be some way these all people are making these much money in such a short period. Even if it takes a bit longer to make a fortune, I want to at least try it. So finally when I decided to quit my job after confirmation of my PR, I ordered this package which cost me A$387.52. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My first blog

Hello friends,
This is my first blog and at this moment, I don't know much about what a blog is. Except that it is a short form of web log! I don't know what a web log as well!
However, I an determined to get into these things. I am very much interested in playing around with internet since it is available to me. I like Google services very much and I like to spend time to see how these services can be useful to a common man like me.
Now a days, I am working on an online business named Carbon Copy Pro. I think this blog will be helpful for me and my followers (if there will be any in future).