"Why should I start a business?"
Very simple question. Most people are happy with the job they are doing as they want to have a secured future and a secured source of income. They are happy with whatever they are getting as a salary and/or incentives. So they should not even think about starting a business.
However, some of them are not happy with their current situation. There may be so many reasons for this. Some of them think they are not getting enough pay they deserve, some of them think they want to do something different, they don't want to live their lives as it comes, they want to live their lives they dream of. They don't want to follow typical 9 am to 5 pm schedule and rely on public holidays, they want to follow their own schedule for work and play. They do realize that they have that "instinct" in them to do whatever it takes for their desired result. Some may think they are at a wrong place while working, some of them feel that his/her life is not going anywhere. They don't want to limit their spending and so their income, some of them are not content, some of them are ambitious. They want to lead the crowd rather than following it. They just want to do it to fulfil their desire.
Some of them want to start a business and so they do some research and get started while the rest just get scared being negative about it and keep suffering. If you don't want to suffer, you should start a business.
"Why should I start an internet marketing business?"
I had to search on internet for this question as I am going cite some statistics here. As on December 31, 2009, 26.6% of world population was using internet, that is around 1,802,330,457 people! (Source: http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm).
As compared to traditional businesses like franchise, construction, trading or service provision, this emerging field has quite less competition and more opportunities. Moreover, the investment required is quite less, you can see results in very short time and most importantly you will have flexibility of working in regards of time and place. You don't have to invest in leasing a shop or office. Also, many internet marketing businesses provide money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your performance or you think you are not making enough profit. One more cool feature of most of the internet marketing businesses is that you have a coach who guides you because he has his own commission (apart from yours) on each sell you do. So basically, it's a win-win situation.
At the end of the day, the bottom line is, there is an "information overload" on the internet about any topic (not just internet business itself). You can literally spend so many days (if you are not satisfied by hours you've spent!) on searching for information. But if you really want to achieve results, here is a golden advice:
Choose your business model and coach very carefully and stick to his guidance.
"What kind of businesses are available on the internet?"
You can buy almost everything using internet for which you are going to shops or offices. For example, vegetables, cosmetics, pharmacy, clothes, etc.. Some organisations provide online services like career consulting, legal advise, auditing, etc.. So you can find all of these kind of businesses. My advise while choosing a business is to select the one which gives you high commission per sale. There are several organisations selling cosmetics, nutritious food, travel tickets and so on which gives you very small commission on your sale. In some of them, you have to insist your relatives and friends to buy these products (which I hate the most) so that you can make a sell.
However, the one that I have joined is totally different. You don't have to contact your friends in it. This system pays you high commission per sale as the products and services are quite valuable. This is no MLM. The great thing is that there is lot of support and services available to you as a member. The owners have done a great amount of homework for you. All you have to do is to attract the prospective customers by using the techniques that you learn by the system and your coach. Such kind of services are not for free and you have to pay $150 per month for using it. Just imagine, if it was cheaper, everyone would be using it. But this is the only system with which you can earn four to five figure income per month. To know more about this opportunity, click here.
Hey Dhruv,
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I agree with you here. Most people just love their jobs and are afraid of stepping out from their comfort zone. I hear a lot of people say they hate their jobs but still keeping on doing the same things over and over again. Keep the ball rolling man :)